Motto: “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” ----Gandhi Hello. This is gonna be a class on travelling around the world. Let’s first do a quick travellers’ quiz. Task 1. Let’s share some…
2008.03.11. 19:25 kisdobos
CLASS 9.1: Couchsurfing
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Címkék: video vocabulary listening speaking class community listings controversial
2008.03.11. 19:24 kisdobos
CLASS 9.2: Couchsurfing - Vocabulary list
1. stay with sy (=crash at sy’s place): sleep in sy’s home2. to make a long story short: a phrase to use when you feel your story has been too long3. ended up getting in touch…
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Címkék: class vocabulary list
2008.03.11. 19:23 kisdobos
EXTRA 9.1: Video report
Task 1. Video: Report on couchsurfing. Fill in the gaps with the words below...a ton ofcrashlooked uppeople travellingtested outthe causevouch 1. ……………………… on other members’ couches while…
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Címkék: video vocabulary listening extra
2008.03.11. 19:22 kisdobos
EXTRA 9.2: Write a persuasive email
Task 1. Write a 300 word email to a friend and try to convince him or her to join you to do couchsurfing during your travels. Post your email in Comments. In your email 1. Convince your friend that couchsurfing is safe (mention the vouching system, if you…