Task 1. Read the article and vote in the opinion poll whether to allow Oscar Pistorius to run in the 2008 Olympics or not. Friday Poll Should Amputee Oscar Pistorius Be Allowed To Sprint In The Olympics?Can a Disability Give You Too Much Ability? South African Oscar Pistorius can run…
2008.04.23. 14:28 kisdobos
CLASS 10.1: Defend your client, Mr Pistorius
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Címkék: role play persuasion
2008.01.09. 09:06 kisdobos
CLASS 3.2: Think it over, boss!
Task 1. Not all employers are equally fond of IM. Let’s have this scenario now: your boss is against you using IM during your work. You want to to defend your position. We need a group of co-workers and a group of managers. Prepare your arguments in advance so you can be more persuasive.…
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Címkék: class role play instant messaging persuasion
2008.01.09. 08:50 kisdobos
CLASS 2.2: Put yourself in their shoes
Task 1. Speaking: Split up into groups. One group represents Millersville University, another group is MsSnyder and her lawyer. You meet in a reconciliatory meeting to try to come to an agreement. Before the meeting prepare with 1) how you would defend yourself, and 2) what you anticipate the…