Kisdobos Presents: English for Marketers

An interactive workpad for Kisdobos's course "English for Marketers." For Arcus Search / Upper intermediate level ----Created by Kisdobos


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2008.01.09. 08:50 kisdobos

CLASS 2.2: Put yourself in their shoes

Task 1. Speaking:
 Split up into groups. One group represents Millersville University, another group is MsSnyder and her lawyer.

You meet in a reconciliatory meeting to try to come to an agreement. Before the meeting prepare with 1) how you would defend yourself, and 2) what you anticipate the other party will say. You should be ready to soften your original opinion and try to reach a solution in the end that’s acceptable to both of you.

Here’s a little more background to the story:

Ms Snyder have filed a lawsuit. Millersville University, in a motion asking the court to dismiss the case, claims that Ms. Snyder’s student teaching had been unsatisfactory for many reasons. But it affirms that she was dismissed and barred from re-entering the school shortly after the high school staff discovered her MySpace photograph. The university backed its initial claim that her posting was “unprofessional” and might “promote under-age drinking.” It also cited a passage in the teacher’s handbook that said staff members are “to be well-groomed and appropriately dressed.”

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----Activity created by Kisdobos. Original article:


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Címkék: privacy class role play persuasion

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