Kisdobos Presents: English for Marketers

An interactive workpad for Kisdobos's course "English for Marketers." For Arcus Search / Upper intermediate level ----Created by Kisdobos


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Answer Tips

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2008.03.11. 19:23 kisdobos

EXTRA 9.1: Video report

Task 1. Video: Report on couchsurfing. Fill in the gaps with the words below...a ton ofcrashlooked uppeople travellingtested outthe causevouch 1.       ……………………… on other members’ couches while…

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Címkék: video vocabulary listening extra

2008.03.11. 19:22 kisdobos

EXTRA 9.2: Write a persuasive email

Task 1. Write a 300 word email to a friend and try to convince him or her to join you to do couchsurfing during your travels. Post your email in Comments. In your email  1.       Convince your friend that couchsurfing is safe (mention the vouching system, if you…

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Címkék: email writing extra persuasion community listings

2008.03.05. 07:59 kisdobos

EXTRA 8.1: Craigslist video

Task 1. Let’s listen to this college HW video to find out more about Craigslist. Pick the answers that are closest to what you heard in the video.  1.      What happened to communities in the dotcom age?         A. They…

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Címkék: video vocabulary listening extra community listings

2008.03.05. 07:57 kisdobos

EXTRA 8.3: Interview with Craig Newmark

 Task 1. Reading: Read the interview with Craig Newmark.Write out phrases next to the verbs below to illustrate the way people use them. See solutions in Comments. VERBS1.       charge (charge for job postings; Craigslist charges $75 to post a job…

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Címkék: vocabulary extra

2008.02.26. 13:32 kisdobos

EXTRA 7.1: History of online rentals

Task 1. Here's the full introduction from the BITS article "Rent Anything … From the Family Down the Street" by Brad Stone (February 11, 2008). Guess about the missing words.You can rent a car online. But how about a power drill? Or a disco globe? Or your neighbor’s…

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Címkék: e commerce vocabulary extra

2008.02.26. 13:31 kisdobos

EXTRA 7.2: Opinion poll

Task 1. This is your most important homework, because we really need some practice in writing.  Name a few items that you could rent out - in theory - on, the Hungarian version of this website. (You can say a few words about why you are not using these things.) Then vote…

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Címkék: writing extra opinionpoll

2008.02.13. 17:23 kisdobos

EXTRA 6.1: Comparison of PPC and SEO

Task 1. What’s in it for me? These are catch statements of the key PPC benefits. Correct the mistakes. Targeted. Rich people looking for your product or service. Fast. See your ads on Google even before creating themAffordable. Pay only for clicks. Control spending by setting your minimum…

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Címkék: sem extra comparison

2008.02.13. 17:22 kisdobos

EXTRA 6.2. Revision of SEM 101

 Task 1. Prepositions. Fill in the gaps. There are two gaps where you don’t need a preposition. 1.         Do a search ……………. Google or Yahoo!, 2.         and you'll…

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Címkék: sem extra revision

2008.01.30. 13:06 kisdobos

EXTRA 4.1: Prepositions

Task 1. Prepositions To 2X, for 3X, past, in, on 3X, around, through 2X, from 1.       Do a search ……………. Google or Yahoo!, 2.       and you'll notice a different type of listings…

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Címkék: sem vocabulary extra

2008.01.30. 13:05 kisdobos


 Task 1. Introducing an FAQ section to our website was a truly great idea. We got all these questions from visitors waiting to be answered. Keep your answers short, use 3-4 sentences max. Pls avoid technical words. Put your replies in the Comments, indicating also what questions you are…

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Címkék: sem faq summary extra persuasion

2008.01.30. 13:04 kisdobos

EXTRA 4.3: Learn from other SEOs

 SCROLL DOWN TO READ  HOW  OTHER  PROFESSIONAL SEOS IN THE US AND  THE  UK ANSWERED THESE  QUESTIONSNext are answers to the previous questions given by other SEOs. Do not read them until you answered your…

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Címkék: sem faq summary vocabulary extra persuasion

2008.01.09. 09:04 kisdobos

EXTRA 3.1: Revise

  We’ve finished the first cycle, which was about social networking. Your main homework is to revise for next class. The entire lesson is gonna be devoted to revising the words. We’re also gonna have a TEST.

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Címkék: extra

2008.01.09. 08:40 kisdobos

EXTRA 2.1: Write an email to the university

For homework write an email to the university administration (and send it to me, I'll be the administration).1. Defend your case in about a 100 words. 2. Suggest a reconciliatory meeting within two weeks or otherwise you'll have to file a lawsuit against themPick 10 expressions from…

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Címkék: privacy email extra persuasion

2008.01.02. 08:20 kisdobos

EXTRA 1.2: Facebook weds marketing

      Task 1. Vocabulary: Improve the newsflash below with the original expressions from the article you read. (See solutions in Comments)Task 2. Writing: Google what happened to the Facebook advertising model. You can use this triplet: Facebook, marketing, uproar. If Googling…

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Címkék: facebook vocabulary extra social media marketing

2008.01.02. 08:19 kisdobos

EXTRA 1.3: Facebook concerns

Watch this video about some people's concern about social networking sites.

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Címkék: video extra social media marketing

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