Next are answers to the previous questions given by other SEOs. Do not read them until you answered your questions in the PPC FAQ. Insert the phrases where they belong.
1. a pre-determined amount will be withdrawn from your budget
2. Advertisers bid for keywords
3. are listed
4. are shown your adverts
5. based on which site they think is best
6. don’t have any ads associated with them
7. express interest in what you sell, rather than a casual uninterested browser
8. for improving your visibility
9. give you an estimate of
10. hold a significant advantage over your competitors
11. invisible to the major search engines
12. is only charged when their ad is clicked on
13. It is up to you to decide
14. lead to clicks or sales
15. matching any of the advertiser's keywords
16. purchased on a cost per click basis
17. recognise it as important enough
18. the right hand side of the page
19. the same as a keyword in your campaign
20. to rank higher
1. What is Search Marketing?
"Search Engine Marketing" (SEM) is …………………………………….. in search engine results, ideally getting you on the first three pages. The two options to get your site ………………………………..are 1) buying paid ads, also called Pay-per-click ads, and 2) improving your website so the search engines decide to rank it higher.
2. Why do I need a Search Engine Marketing campaign?
After spending tens of thousands of dollars or more developing a website, businesses often discover that the site is ……………………………………….. Search Engine Marketing increases your website's visibility to the search engines. By ranking on the first three results pages you will ………………………………………………. Search engine users have chosen to use the Internet to research an issue, solve a problem, or locate a provider of a desired product or service. Search engine users are buyers. These users will buy from you only if they find your website. They will not buy from you if they find a competitor's website first.
3. What is PPC?
PPC stands for “Pay-per-click,” and means advertising in search engines. The name refers to a key thing about this form of advertising, ie. you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. The adverts, called “Sponsored links,” appear on the search results pages of the search engines, but only when someone searches for one of the keywords of your campaign. This means that only people looking for your products and services ……………………………..
4. Is Pay-per-click the same as Search Engine Optimisation?
No. The idea of Search Engine Optimisation is to make the search engines find your site and …………………………………. to display on the first three pages of search results. With PPC, on the other hand, you pay the search engines to display your site in the top results.
5. What is the difference between “natural” results and “Sponsored links?”
On the search results pages in all of these search engines, there are two sets of links. The “Sponsored links” appear on the top and ………………………………………, and the "natural results" …………………………. down the main body of the page.
Sponsored links are ads displayed on the first page when users search for the keywords of your marketing campaign. Sponsored links are there because advertisers pay for them to be there. Natural results, on the other hand, are chosen and ordered by the search engines ……………………………………………………………., second best, third best on a topic.
6. Why should I prefer search ads to traditional flash ads I see on Index?
A Sponsored Link is the ultimate Classified Ad since it is only displayed only when someone enters a search phrase that is ………………………………………….. This means it is displayed only to people who …………………………………………….… And you only pay when they choose to learn more.
7. When do “search ads” appear?
Advertisers buy keywords they predict their target market will use as search terms when they are looking for a product or service. The advertiser's ad will be shown only when a user types a keyword into the search engine ………………………………………………..
8. Why can’t I always see Sponsored links next to my search results?
That’s because ads only show up when you search for a keyword that somebody has paid to be associated with. A lot of terms ……………………………………………, so that explains why you won’t always see ads.
9. How I can buy keywords in a Pay-per-click campaign?
Pay per click works like a word auction. …………..…………………………... For each keyword, you decide how much you are willing to spend. The higher you bid, the higher you will appear among the “Sponsored Links” ads.
10. What’s good about buying ads on a Pay-per-click basis?
Most advertising we know is purchased on a cost per impression basis. This means that the advertiser pays whenever someone sees the advertisement. Pay Per Click, however, is ………………………………………….., meaning it is free of charge for the advertiser to display. The advertiser .......................................................... Paid search advertising is handled on a Pay Per Click basis.
11. What is the minimum amount I have to spend on a PPC campaign?
There is no minimum amount that you have to spend. ……………………………………. how much you want to spend. You only pay what you budget for e.g. if you have a £10 a day budget and your average visitor price is 10p then you will get 100 visitors for your money. Every time a visitor clicks on your PPC ad ………………………………………………..
12. What results can I expect?
We aim to turn every £1 you spend into £1+ in sales. We can see which keywords/phrases ………………………………… so we know which ones to bid for and how much it is worth bidding at.
13. This sounds good what’s the next step?
Get in touch. We will research for you the keywords of your industry. We can ………………………………………. how many people are searching, how many visitors you can expect, and what your average cost per visitor will be.
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A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.
kisdobos 2008.01.31. 14:39:35
1. for improving your visibility
2. to rank higher
3. invisible to the major search engines
4. hold a significant advantage over your competitors
5. are shown your adverts
6. recognise it as important enough
7. the right hand side of the page
8. are listed
9. based on which site they think is best
10. the same as a keyword in your campaign
11. express interest in what you sell, rather than a casual uninterested browser
12. matching any of the advertiser's keywords
13. don’t have any ads associated with them
14. Advertisers bid for keywords
15. purchased on a cost per click basis
16. is only charged when their ad is clicked on
17. It is up to you to decide
18. a pre-determined amount will be withdrawn from your budget
19. lead to clicks or sales
20. give you an estimate of