Kisdobos Presents: English for Marketers

An interactive workpad for Kisdobos's course "English for Marketers." For Arcus Search / Upper intermediate level ----Created by Kisdobos


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2008.01.09. 09:05 kisdobos

CLASS 3.3: Vocabulary list - IM-ing


1.       Can you decipher these acronyms? LOL, WU? ASAP
2.       Instant messaging, long associated with teenagers staying up late to chat online with friends, is moving into the workplace,
3.       with an impact that has started to rival e-mail and the cellphone.
4.       Less intrusive than a phone call
5.       more immediate than e-mail
6.       nearly one-third of American adults are now IM-ing
7.       emailing back and forth during work
8.       nice to touch base with everyone
9.       Unlike e-mail, which caught on widely only after corporations began training employees to use it,
10.    instant messaging is infiltrating the workplace from the bottom up,
11.    by way of employees themselves.
12.    Users rave about the ability to do multiple things at the same time (=multitasking)
13.    she can be using IM with a colleague while on a conference call with a distributor
14.    engaging in a continuing electronic conversation.
15.    You say things through IM that you wouldn't dare say in face-to-face contact
16.    it's great because it helps you establish a relationship where you might be too shy in person.
17.    instant messaging helped him establish better working relationships with colleagues in London
18.    Emails are easier to ignore.  ''There's no excuse with IM.''
19.    Clients appreciate receiving an instant reply to a question
20.    He likes being able to see which of his partners are available at any given time
21.    The etiquette of instant messaging does not require the compulsory niceties that eat up time on the phone
22.    With instant messaging you can just say, 'I want this.'
23.    When you can't have an audible conversation about something you're not supposed to, it's pretty useful,'
24.    he needed to stay in contact with an employee who was working from a different location
25.    I came at instant messaging like this was going to be horrible. But honestly, it's the most productive thing I've ever seen'' Mr. Beckman said.
26.    IM users urge other friends and colleagues to get it
27.    its growth has spread like a virus.

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: class instant messaging vocabulary list

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