Kisdobos Presents: English for Marketers

An interactive workpad for Kisdobos's course "English for Marketers." For Arcus Search / Upper intermediate level ----Created by Kisdobos


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Answer Tips

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2008.01.30. 13:08 kisdobos

CLASS 4.1: You need to rank high

                                                         Motto: The one thing we all want is traffic

Story highlights
1.       You need to rank high in search engines
2.       Your two options: Natural or paid listing
3.       PPC explained


1.       Can you recall when you first heard about Search Engine Marketing? Who told you about it? How hard was it to grasp the concept? What did you think about it at the time?
2.       How did you end up doing SEM for a living?
3.       What’s the game about in SEM?
Task 1. Search game. We’re gonna have a little search contest between you, but read this first.  
Studies have shown that most search engine users don’t click past the first three pages of search results; many don’t even click past the first page if they find what they’re looking for. Your own experience using search engines probably confirms this.”
The game is this:
1.       Find some fresh and hard figures about users not clicking past the first, second or third page of Google.
2.       Also, if you have time try to figure out what happens if a user can’t find something in the first three pages.
We will use this information to convince your prospective client that they can’t afford to rank low in Google if their business has a website. This is the first step for them to decide to buy SEM services. Explain what the numbers really mean for their business.
Task 2. The two ways to rank high. Dear prospective client!Now you understand why it’s crucial to rank high. If you tell me that you want to get on the first page on Google, I’ll tell you “okay, but there’s a little problem.” The web is already crowded with good websites. Thousands of similar pages are competing for your clients' eyes, and it’s hard to get on the first page.
Luckily, there are two ways you can get higher on the Results Page. Try to decipher what they are.
Strategy 1           improve you can site your results higher so it in the ranks natural
                             (SEO = Search Engine Optimization)
Strategy 2           the first page you can paid be on ads through
                             (PPC = Pay-per-click ads)
Strategy 1+2      called together are basic these strategies two
                             “Search Engine Marketing” (SEM)
Task 3. Let’s imagine that I am a prospect. Explain to me in your own words what the basic idea of Pay-Per-Click Advertising. Pls don’t flood me with information, but try to summarize the whole thing in 2 minutes.

Task 4. Pay-Per-Click Advertising explained. Today we have time to deal with one of the two strategies that can get you to the top: Pay-Per-Click advertising. Insert the missing prepositions to get the whole text.

through 2X, on, for 3X, from, to, around, with  
Pay-Per-Click Advertising
Do a search (1).……………. Google or Yahoo!, and you’ll notice a different type of listings (2)……..……. the natural results. These "Sponsored links" are Google’s code name (3)………….. pay-per-click ads (PPC) that can be bought (4)………...… Google AdWords, Google’s advertising program. They appear only when people search using the same keywords you paid to be associated (5)……………….. You buy keywords for your ad you predict your target market will use when they are searching (6)………………... your product. You pay only when someone  clicks (7)……………… your ad. The cost per click typically varies (8)………………… 50 cents (9)………………. $15. PPC has some tremendous advantages (10)……………. online businesses.
How’s it different from your summary?
Task 5. Provocation
1.       Why is it called “paid search” if Google doesn’t pay searchers to do searches?
2.       Pay? For advertising on Google? Why would I do such a thing when people can just search for me and find me?
3.       How can these little text ads be successful? They look so boring compared to TV commercials and magazine ads.
4.       Don’t people just disregard them when they search?
5.       What happens if my competitor just keeps clicking my listing over and over?
Task 6. Conclusion. Why is Pay Per Click better than the good old banner ads? Insert the phrases.
1.       “interruption-based”
2.       at the precise moment that a prospect is looking for information
3.       but it’s limited
4.       going about your daily life
5.       perfectly matching the search topic
6.       preoccupied with other things
Pay Per Click reaches your target buyer at the perfect point in time.
Most advertising is ………………………………. – it inserts itself in front of you as you’re …………………………………., whether that’s watching a television program, driving in traffic or waiting on hold for customer support. It’s somewhat effective certainly, ………………………….., because the people who see these ads are ……………………………………. Pay Per Click advertisements, on the other hand, are delivered ……………………………………….., and ……………………………………… in question.


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Címkék: sem summary vocabulary class persuasion

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A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok  értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai  üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a  Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.

kisdobos 2008.02.01. 00:17:17


CLASS 4.1 Solutions to Task 1.

95% of users don't look further than the first 3 pages of search results. Most people try searching for a different keyword phrase or a different search engine all together, rather than click past the first 10 results. How can your business succeed if you're not found there?

30% of users believe companies found in the top search results are a major brand in their specific product or service category. SEM (search engine marketing) raises your online profile and builds brand awareness.

CLASS 4.1 Solutions to Task 2.

Luckily, there are two ways you can get higher on the Results Page.
(1) You can improve your site so it ranks higher in the natural results (Search engine optimization -SEO).
(2) You can be on the first page through paid ads (Pay-per-click ads - PPC).
Together these two basic strategies are called “Search Engine Marketing” (SEM).

CLASS 4.1 Solutions to Task 3.

Here’s how another another SEO explained the importance of ranking high:

97% percent of search engine searchers don’t click past the first three pages, that is the Top 30 search results. What do these numbers mean? It means it doesn’t matter how good your site is; if it isn’t listed in the first three pages of Google, it is practically invisible.

Not appearing in the top listings can be the difference between the success or failure of your online business. If you want your site to be found and get traffic, you need to start thinking about how to get on the first three pages for your business’s keywords.

CLASS 4.1 Solutions to Task 4.

Do a search on Google or Yahoo!, and you'll notice a different type of listings around the natural results. These "Sponsored links" are Google’s code name for pay-per-click ads (PPC) that can be bought through Google AdWords, Google’s search advertising program. They appear only when people search using the same keywords you paid to be associated with. You buy keywords for your ad based on what you predict your target market will use when they are searching for your product. You pay only when someone someone clicks through your ad.The cost per click varies from 50 cents to $50.

PPC has some tremendous advantages for online businesses.

CLASS 4.1 Solutions to Task 6.

1. “interruption-based”
2. going about your daily life
3. but it’s limited
4. preoccupied with other things
5. at the precise moment that a prospect is looking for information
6. perfectly matching the search topic

Pay Per Click reaches your target buyer at the perfect point in time.
Most advertising is “interruption-based” – it inserts itself in front of you as you’re going about your daily life, whether that’s watching a television program, driving in traffic or waiting on hold for customer support. It’s somewhat effective certainly, but it’s limited, because the people who see these ads are preoccupied with other things. Pay Per Click advertisements, on the other hand, are delivered at the precise moment that a prospect is looking for information, and perfectly matching the search topic in question.
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