Kisdobos Presents: English for Marketers

An interactive workpad for Kisdobos's course "English for Marketers." For Arcus Search / Upper intermediate level ----Created by Kisdobos


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Answer Tips

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2008.03.05. 07:58 kisdobos

EXTRA 8.2: Wordsearch

Task 1. Word search.

horny                                monetize
charge_for                       for-profit
turn_down                       bare-bones
petty_scam                      foster
understatement              outlandish













Task 2. Write personal sentences with the following chunks (so talk about things that happened to you, or you heard about). Post them in Comments.
1.       How quickly ……………………….. changes
2.       The most amazing thing about ……………………………
3.       I came in this morning and it turned out that ……………………
4.       ………………………… has been an issue .....................
5.       The best place to live in Budapest ……………………………
6.       I spend my time …………………….-ing ……………………
7.       ……………………………………………. through word of mouth
8.       To say that …………………………………… is a big understatement.
9.       I turned down ………………………………………………………
10.    Our staff is made up of ………………………………………………..
11.    ……………………………… has done a terrific job of …………….....
12.    An upcoming event I'm interested in is …………………………………
13.    I was charged ……………………………………………………
14.    There’s ………………………. of us in …………………………………


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