Kisdobos Presents: English for Marketers

An interactive workpad for Kisdobos's course "English for Marketers." For Arcus Search / Upper intermediate level ----Created by Kisdobos


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Answer Tips

Friss topikok



2008.01.30. 13:05 kisdobos



Task 1.
Introducing an FAQ section to our website was a truly great idea. We got all these questions from visitors waiting to be answered. Keep your answers short, use 3-4 sentences max. Pls avoid technical words. Put your replies in the Comments, indicating also what questions you are answering.
Taboo words:
algorithm, spiders, crawl your site, complex (complicated), index, relevant,
1.       What is Search Marketing? (Zita)
2.       Why do I need a Search Engine Marketing campaign? (Eszter)
3.       What is PPC? (GT)
4.       Is Pay-per-click the same as Search Engine Optimization? (Zita)
5.       What is the difference between “natural” results and “Sponsored links?” (Eszter)
6.       Why should I prefer search ads to flash banner ads? (GT)
7.       When do “search ads” appear? (Zita)
8.       Why can’t I always see Sponsored links next to my search results? (Eszter)
9.       How I can buy keywords in a Pay-per-click campaign? (GT)
10.   What’s good about buying ads on a Pay-per-click basis? (Judit)
11.   What is the minimum amount I have to spend on a PPC campaign? (Eszter)
12.   What results can I expect? (GT)
13.   This sounds good what’s the next step? (Judit)

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Címkék: sem faq summary extra persuasion

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A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok  értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai  üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a  Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.

GT 2008.02.05. 19:17:19

3. What is PPC?
This acronym stands for Pay Per Click. This is a new method of advertisment introduced by the web. You must pay for your ad only when a visitor click through your ad. There are lots of search engines on the internet which offer you PPC campaigns.

6. Why should I prefer search ads to flash banner ads?
Flash banners may be assertive or neutral for the user. Sometimes s/he may use a flash banner blocker that prevent browser to display the flash spot. Search ads, in contrast, appear in the browser only when the user launched a search using the same keyword you paid for.

9. How I can buy keywords in a Pay-per-click campaign?
Firstly choose a search engine provider on which you like to launch a campaign. Secondly open an account for yourself in that advertising system. On the administration page you can set your campaign up. Finally you must buy your keywords.

12. What results can I expect?
The ranking method of advertising system is reliable. That means if you bid for the second place you may expect that your ad will be displayed at the same certain position. Unfortunately another buyer may bid more for that position for the same keyword. So you must prepare to monitor your ad during the campaign.

Eszter 2008.02.06. 07:42:46

2. Why do I need a Search Engine Marketing campaign? (Eszter)
With a SEM campaign you can have more visitors on your website. If you have a website but it's not shown directly for the audience maybe nobody will find it. With SEM you can make your website visible in search engines, that's way pepole will have a chance to take a closer look on your business and may become your customer.

5. What is the difference between “natural” results and “Sponsored links?” (Eszter)
Natural results are the standard results in a search engine, it's the list of the websites which were seen, and listed by a search engine robot. The websites are ranked and after searching for an expression, the engine shows the resulst based on relevancy. These results can be seen on the left side of the result page while on the right side sponsored links can be placed. These 3-line-links also lead to a website but the ranking is not connected to the website, but to the biding strategy of an advertiser. The ad placing system of Google called Adwords.

11. What is the minimum amount I have to spend on a PPC campaign? (Eszter)
It depends on your business and on your goals. And of course on that in which countries you would like to be seen.

Zita 2008.02.12. 10:28:31

1. What is Search Marketing?
Search Engine Marketing contents the two basic strategies which are used if you would like to be int he first page on Google or Yahoo. The two basic strategies are SEO (search engine optimization) and PPC (pay-per-click).
2. Is Pay-per-click the same as Search Engine Optimization?
No. SEO is basic strategie in search engine marketing. It helps to make your website visible on Google or Yahoo so that the search engines rank it higher. It is a long periode to achieve a good result if your market is cluttered with rivals. Int hat case you should use the other strategie the pay-per-click ads (PPC). These are short ads which are visible int he first page around the natural searching results. These are called sponsored links. It’s important that you should pay only for thoose impression which makes you real visitors on your website. This is the most coast-effective marketing strategie.
3. When do “search ads” appear?
Search ads appear only when somebody is searching for the same keywords you had set in search engine surfaces.
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