Kisdobos Presents: English for Marketers

An interactive workpad for Kisdobos's course "English for Marketers." For Arcus Search / Upper intermediate level ----Created by Kisdobos


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2008.02.26. 13:31 kisdobos

EXTRA 7.2: Opinion poll

Task 1. This is your most important homework, because we really need some practice in writing.
Name a few items that you could rent out - in theory - on, the Hungarian version of this website. (You can say a few words about why you are not using these things.) Then vote whether you would actually list all these needless stuff. Post a comment here. 100-150 words would be nice. :)
The point is to explain your stance (=why/why not). If you’re not enthusiastic about HireThings, but like the concept of renting out your stuff, you might want to explain what modifications to the site you’d need to see in order to participate.
(If you're in a mood to share, you can also tell us what you think about the business idea, and the implementation (=the website).

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A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok  értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai  üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a  Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.

kisdobos 2008.03.23. 20:30:33


According to my opinion the basic idea is very useful. We have a lot of stuffs at home resting in a dusty corner. Once a month or even a year we use them. Is the usage of these things efficient? No, definitely not. So the solution could be to rent out these things when the owner doesn’t use them.
There are several problems or factors that we have to consider when evaluating this system. First of all, it is trust. There was a great man called Rousseau who pointed out that private property exists. He blamed that first man who flagged a piece of land and said: “it’s mine”. Everybody cares about her/his own stuff but just a few look after the other’s things.
The things can go wrong easier this way but still we have revenue from it so easier to replace (and we can buy a more developed model). Economically, the system is more efficient. At the human side, things can go wrong. Especially in Hungary, people worry a lot about their own property because of the unstable historical years we went through. We haven’t got the trust in our neighbors.
I would like to see a system like this. Why? Are you really curious? I always imagine to have a fancy sports car for a day and driving around the city…  That’s it, so please rent it out!!!!!!!!
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