Kisdobos Presents: English for Marketers

An interactive workpad for Kisdobos's course "English for Marketers." For Arcus Search / Upper intermediate level ----Created by Kisdobos


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2008.02.13. 17:22 kisdobos

EXTRA 6.2. Revision of SEM 101

Task 1. Prepositions. Fill in the gaps. There are two gaps where you don’t need a preposition.
1.         Do a search ……………. Google or Yahoo!,
2.         and you'll notice a different type of listings …………….. the natural results.
3.         can be bought …………………. Google AdWords
4.         click ………………………….. your ad
5.         Google’s code name ……. pay-per-click ads
6.         most users don’t click ………… the first three pages of search results
7.         not appearing …………. the top listings can be the difference between success or failure
8.         PPC has some tremendous advantages ………. online businesses.
9.         The cost per click varies …………… 50 cents …………. $50.
10.     when they are searching …………. your product.
11.     You can drive traffic …………… your site
12.     You choose your keywords based ………….. what you think your prospective customers will use
13.     the site is invisible …………… the major search engines
14.     you will hold a significant advantage …………… your competitors.
15.     the search engines will recognise it …………….. important enough to display on the first three pages of search results.
16.     appear on the top and ……………. the right hand side of the page
17.     "natural results" are listed ……………….. the main body of the page.
18.     displayed only ……………. people who express interest …………. what you sell,
19.     types a keyword into the search engine matching ………… any of the advertiser's keywords.
20.     Advertisers bid …………. keywords.
21.     Pay Per Click, however, is purchased …………….. a cost per click basis
22.     It is ………………….. you to decide how much you want to spend.
23.     We can see which keywords/phrases lead …………… clicks or sales
24.     a pre-determined amount will be withdrawn ………………. your budget. 
25.     Get ………………… touch.
26.     Natural results are much more cost-effective ……………….. the long run.
27.     Whereas the effects of paid placement wear ………………….. quickly, …
28.     While they take longer to achieve (up to 3 months), it is all worth …………… the effort.
29.     You can direct quality, targeted traffic …………….. your website.
30.     If you don’t know what keywords will work ……………….. your business
31.     This allows you to measure the results ………………………… a keyword by keyword basis.
32.     It could put you far ……………………….. the competition.
Task 2. Fill in the gaps with phrases beginning with the letter provided.
1.       SEO helps your site to a………………… top rankings on Google’s Results Page
2.       SEO improves your ranking in a search engine’s l…………………...
3.       Optimizing your website enables it to r………………… high in Google
4.       Simply p………………, SEO tries to get you on the first page of search results for the searched keywords
5.       SEO d…………………….. more traffic to your website
6.       SEO can encourage users to t……………………… the actions you want
7.       SEO improves/contributes to brand name recognition in a big w…………………..
8.       The price for a service or product is directly p………………………… the effort involved.
9.       There is a lot of effort that g…………………… SEO
10.    There are, t………………………y, two ways to be found in search engines:  
11.    through natural or paid …………………………..
12.    Many individuals soon discover what an enormous chore it is to m………………………all search engine criteria
13.    If you have heard that search engine optimization takes time you heard r…………………...
14.    Work that you do one month will benefit you for months or years t………………………….
15.    Typically, you should start seeing very positive rankings w…………………….. 6 months of your campaign start.
16.    If your website is hidden in popular search engines c……………………….. are that your customers will go elsewhere - most likely to your competitors
17.    Search Engine Optimization will use t………………………… strategies to obtain top listing for your website.
18.    SEO s……………………………. “Search Engine Optimization”.
19.    Websites with a higher ranking tend to get more e…………………………
20.    V………………….. studies show that a prospective buyer will use organic (=natural) searches 60-80% of the time.
21.    organic search marketing has a real impact in the long term, p…………………… efforts are maintained.
22.    Many companies will find the l……………………….. of organic search a real benefit.
23.    Since it’s precisely measurable and relatively i…………………………, …
24.    it’s very well s…………………………… the needs of small and midsize firms
25.    E.g. if you want to r………………… a seasonal promotion or launch a new product, you need PPC.
26.    We s……………………………. recommend that you start with paid search.
27.    You can d………………………… improve your search engine rankings …

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Címkék: sem extra revision

2008.02.06. 13:31 kisdobos

CLASS 5.1: SEO. How to speak laymanspeak

Hello. All the pictures here are related to SEO in some ways. Can you figure out?

This story is told by an SEO.  

“I decided to do a little un-scientific marketing research among my colleagues. I asked 15 people “Do you know what SEO is”? Not one of the 15 people that I asked had a clue. It would not get much better when I followed it up with “Search Engine Optimization?” ----
·          How many people have heard about SEO in Hungary? Typically these people would be who?
·          How often do you meet prospective clients who have placed banner ads or other paid ads online, but either haven’t heard of SEO, or didn’t understand why they need to optimize their website.


Task 1. Understanding SEO without progamming knowledge. You are a professional SEO and the whole idea of SEO may now seemso basic to you that it’s easy to forget that not everyone is an expert in it. A prospective client might just have heard about SEO for the first time, so you might have to answer a few basic questions. What would you answer if a client asked:
What does the acronym “SEO” mean?
Why should we optimize search engines?
What is SEO?
These phrases could be helpful:
is short for           stands for             in short          improve     enable          rank
Task 2. Learn to be simple. You want to give an answer so simple that even a child can understand it.The word “simple” alone, however, does not make an answer simple. Which client would be helped by an answer like this:
“Simply put, SEO means designing each webpage in such a way, that the site's content will be thoroughly mapped and indexed to keywords that potential customers employ when seeking your products or services.”
SEO Boxing. Here’s some definitions written by SEO companies in an effort to explain what SEO is. We’re gonna have a box fight between the companies. The winner is the one that gives a clear explanation. The loser is the one that just confuses the prospect more.
1.     “SEO is the process in which your website undergoes redevelopment to more effectively communicate your keywords to search engines.“
2.     “SEO helps your site to achieve top rankings on Google’s Results Page by making it friendly to Google. Appearing higher in the results, your site will receive more traffic.”
3.     “Simply put, SEO is the art and science of increasing the number of visitors to your website by getting you on the first page of search results for a searched keyword - the closer to the top, the better.”
4.     “Search Engine Optimization is the art of aligning a website's attributes to the algorithms of the search engines.“
5.     “SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a continuous refinement of your website to further improve its chances of being ranked in the top results of a search engine, like Google, for a searched keyword.” 
6.     “What is SEO? SEO is a highly specialist discipline which only trained technicians backed by continuous research and testing facilities can successfully deliver.“
What did the winners in these fights know about simple answers? 
Task 3. How will SEO benefit me? What the winners knew is this: to answer a question, you have to understand why your client is asking the question. Very often on the minds of customers is the question: What does this do for me? When they ask “What is SEO?,” all they really want to know is what service SEO does for them.
Clearly, SEO improves your ranking, but this is not the end benefit that a client gets. Your improved ranking, in turn, improves something else. And that something else, in turn, improves yet another thing. What is the ultimate benefit that SEO does for a client? Provide the missing information.
SEO enables our clients to ……………………………………………………
The better our clients rank, the more ……………………………...………….  
The more …………………………………, the more ………………drives to our clients.
Task 4. Some more benefits.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is for you if [Explain the “if” part]
When done correctly, search engine optimization can bring people to your site that are actually looking for what you [………………….]. You know they’re looking for it because they typed in a key word or phrase that is directly related to your content.
Search engine optimization, and search engine marketing in general, can serve a number of different purposes. It can [………………….] sales and leads, both online and offline. It can [………………………] search engine users to take the actions you desire, such as signing up for your newsletter, registering for a seminar, and so on.
Your website’s prominent position on the search engine results pages (SERPs) […………………….] branding and name recognition in a big way.
Task 5. Superb definitions. I’m an English teacher.My job in the past seven years has been to explain new things to my students as best as I could. So let me share with you the three key rules I discovered, which may be helpful to you when you want to explain unfamiliar concepts to your clients.
Actually, no! Let me have you figure it out for yourselves by looking at examples that need improving. Each sentence below illustrates a different issue.
1.       ……………………………………
“What is SEO? SEO is a highly specialist discipline which only trained technicians backed by continuous research and testing facilities can successfully, bla, bla, bla, blablah, blah …“
2.       ……………………………………
“With an emphasis on the key topics threaded throughout the individual pages, SEO ensures that your pages are readable to the spiders crawling your site.“
3.       ……………………………………
 “Optimization of a site for search engines (SEO services) is a complex of actions directed at creation of conditions at which the site will be on the leading search positions in search engines for a set of key phrases.”

The 3 rules of giving superb definitions
To sum up, a definition is basically a summary explanation. In my experience, to give superb definitions you need to do three things:
1.       Grab the key things (no bla, bla)
2.       Use familiar concepts (no spiders, no algorithms; don’t take these things for granted)
3.       Keep it simple (no complicated wording: XXX: SEO is a complex of actions directed at creation of conditions, at which a site …)
The most important of these three rules is to find the key point your client needs to hear.

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2008.02.06. 13:30 kisdobos

CLASS 5.2: Vocabulary list - SEO

What is SEO?

1.         SEO stands for/is short for “Search Engine Optimization”.
2.      SEO helps your site to achieve top rankings on Google’s Results Page
3.         SEO improves your ranking in a search engine’s listings.
4.         Optimizing your website enables it to rank high in Google
5.         SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a continuous refinement of your website to further improve its chances of being ranked in the top results of a search engine
6.         Simply put, SEO tries to get your website on the first page of search results for the searched keywords
7.         The closer to the top, the better.
How does SEO benefit a client?
8.         The better our clients rank, the more traffic they get = SEO drives more traffic to their website
9.         More traffic, in turn, drives more sales to our clients.
10.     Search Engine Optimization can bring people to your site who are actually looking for what you are offering
11.     SEO can generate sales and leads.
12.     SEO can encourage users to take the actions you want
13.     sign up for your newsletter
14.     SEO improves/contributes to brand name recognition in a big way.
15.     The price for a service or product is directly proportional to the effort involved.
16.     There is a lot of effort that goes into SEO
17.     There are, typically, two ways to be found in search engines: …
18.     through natural or paid listing
19.     Many individuals soon discover what an enormous chore it is to meet all search engine criteria
20.     For a web page to get more traffic coming from the search engines, it must …
21.     If you have heard that search engine optimization takes time you heard right.
22.     Typically, you should start seeing very positive rankings within 6 months of your campaign start.
23.     Depending on how old or established your website already is, or is not, and depending on your competition, this number can vary from company to company.
24.     SEO is a long-term marketing option that has a very positive ROI when looking at the big picture.
25.     Work that you do one month will benefit you for months or years to come.
26.     Without SEO services, most websites are simply lost in the millions of search results.
27.    If your website is hidden in popular search engines chances are that your customers will go elsewhere - most likely to your competitors
28.     Search Engine Optimization will use time-tested strategies to obtain top listing for your website.
29.     The goal of SEO is for your website to show up in the first few results when someone searches for your keyword.
30.     Websites with a higher ranking tend to get more eyeballs

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2008.02.06. 13:29 kisdobos

EXTRA 5.1: Superb definitions

Task 1.
Grammar: The [comparative], the [comparative]. “The more, the better” form is a great way to enhance the impact of your message. It helps to make it sound more highlighted and forceful.
Change the sentence structure into the “The more, the better” form. Keep the meaning unchanged.
E.g. If your website ranks closer to the top, it’s going to attract more visitors.
The closer to the top your website ranks, the more visitors it’s going to attract.
A shorter version, without verbs, is also possible, although the meaning is more difficult to decipher:
The closer to the top, the more visitors.
1.                By appearing in the first few pages of search engine results, your website will be visited more frequently and, in turn, be considerably more profitable.
2.                The internet is becoming ever more widespread, and more and more people turn to it, not just to make online purchases, but to research offline purchases as well.
3.                If you rank higher on the Search Engine Result Pages, you’ll get more traffic to your site.
4.                As your website gets more traffic, it drives more sales to you.
5.                If you optimize the page better, it will rank higher on the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) for the searched key phrases.
6.                Spend more,  and you will get more results.
7.                If you bid higher, your listing/ad will get a higher position in the Sponsored links results.
Task 2. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate form of the words below.
rank, improve, friend, stand, do so, finetune, rank high, top rank, enable, earn, organic, relevant keyword
1.       SEO helps you to improve your site’s ………………….. in Google.
2.       Search Engine Optimization ……………………. a website's placement on search engines.
3.       A good SEO firm can make your site …………………….. to all three of these search engines at once.
4.       SEO ……………………….. "Search Engine Optimization," and is the process of creating a site that runs efficiently and is friendly to search engines and humans alike. …………………….. will make it much more likely that your site will be found, and well-ranked, by Google.
5.       Simply put, SEO, or “Search Engine Optimization” is the art of optimizing a website so that it caters to the desires of the search engines and ………………………….. it so that your website …………………………… in the search engine results.
6.       SEO helps our clients achieve …………………….. in Google. The better our clients rank, the more traffic they get. More traffic drives more sales to our clients.
7.       Optimizing your website ………………….. it to rank higher on major search engines.
8.       So SEO encompasses the strategies for …………………… top rankings in free search engines. These are called "…………………………." or "natural" listings.
9.       SEO helps your business grow by making your website popular on major web search engines ……………………………………….
Task 3. Can you simplify the language?
1.       “Search engine optimization combines processes, features, additions and ongoing changes to a website in order to achieve top rankings in the major search engines.”
2.       “We offer the service of optimization of the internal factors of the site with the purpose of increasing its friendliness to search engines.”
3.       Simply put, search engine optimization (SEO) is a set of tactics and strategies you can apply to your web presence in order to maximize your exposure in the major search engines, including Google, Yahoo and MSN.
4.       We define SEO as "all activities performed with the intent of increasing the rank of a website in search engines for a given keyword or combination of keywords."
5.       Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is at the heart of website marketing which involves a range of techniques aimed at ensuring popular search engines can “read” and index the site, which if done properly, results in a higher listing in search results.
6.       Search Engine Optimization is crucial to the success of an online venture. It encompasses many aspects which are all crucial to building a successful website. The measure of success, in this case, is a high ranking in the search engines, which allows visitors and potential customers to find your site simply by searching for relevant keywords or phrases.

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2008.02.06. 13:28 kisdobos


Task 1. Let’s imagine again that this is your professional SEO website. Answer the client FAQ by posting your reply in the Comments section. Copypaste the question with your answer, too.
                SEO FAQ
1.       What is SEO? (Zita)
2.       What ranking is best? (Eszter)
3.       How can my site become visible in search engines? (GT)
4.       What's the difference between PPC and SEO? (Zita)
5.       Why should I be doing SEO? (Eszter)
6.       Why do I need a company to do SEO for me? (GT)
7.       Why is SEO expensive? (Zita)
8.       When will I get to see the results? (Eszter)

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2008.02.06. 13:27 kisdobos

EXTRA 5.3. Learn from other SEOs

Task 1. Here's the same questions again answered by professional SEOs. Figure out which answer matches which question. The phrases in bold are useful SEO expressions.
……………. What is SEO?
……………. What ranking is best?
……………. How can my site become visible in search engines?
……………. What's the difference between PPC and SEO?
……………. Why should I be doing SEO?
……………. Why do I need a company to do SEO for me?
……………. Why is SEO expensive?
……………. When will I get to see the results from?
Answer 1
The price for a service or product is directly proportional to the effort involved. There is a lot of effort that goes into SEO and thus the prices are relatively high.
Answer 2
There are, typically, two ways to be found in search engines like Google and, depending on one’s sales and marketing objectives: through natural or paid listing.
Answer 3
Pay Per Click are paid ads. Organic Search Engine Optimization aims to generate top natural search positions where the majority of searchers click. Natural SEO gains positions from content and links.
Answer 4
Many individuals undertake optimization on their own, but soon discover what an enormous chore it is to meet all search engine criteria. By obtaining specialists in the field of SEO, such as Arcus Search, you will be able to …
Answer 5
Research shows that many do not go past the first two pages of search results – typically this is the Top 20. Hence, for a web page to get more traffic coming from the search engines, and more sales in the end, it must feature in the first two pages.
Answer 6
If you have heard that search engine optimization takes time you heard right. Typically, you should start seeing very positive rankings within 6 months of your campaign start. Depending on how old or established your website already is, or is not, and depending on your competition, this number can vary from company to company.
SEO is a long-term marketing option that has a very positive ROI when looking at the big picture. Work that you do one month will benefit you for months or years to come.
Answer 7
Without SEO services, most websites are simply lost in the millions of search results. If your website is hidden in popular search engines like Google, your online business may never succeed because chances are that your customers will go elsewhere - most likely to your competitors who might be doing SEO and are easily found on search engine results.
Search Engine Optimization will use time-tested strategies to obtain top listing for your website. By appearing in the first few pages of search engine results, your website will be visited more frequently and, in turn, be considerably more profitable.
Answer 8
SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization”. The goal of SEO is for your website to show up in the first few results when someone searches on a search engine. Websites with a higher ranking tend to get more eyeballs, so the closer to the top, the more traffic you will get.

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2008.01.30. 13:08 kisdobos

CLASS 4.1: You need to rank high

                                                         Motto: The one thing we all want is traffic

Story highlights
1.       You need to rank high in search engines
2.       Your two options: Natural or paid listing
3.       PPC explained


1.       Can you recall when you first heard about Search Engine Marketing? Who told you about it? How hard was it to grasp the concept? What did you think about it at the time?
2.       How did you end up doing SEM for a living?
3.       What’s the game about in SEM?
Task 1. Search game. We’re gonna have a little search contest between you, but read this first.  
Studies have shown that most search engine users don’t click past the first three pages of search results; many don’t even click past the first page if they find what they’re looking for. Your own experience using search engines probably confirms this.”
The game is this:
1.       Find some fresh and hard figures about users not clicking past the first, second or third page of Google.
2.       Also, if you have time try to figure out what happens if a user can’t find something in the first three pages.
We will use this information to convince your prospective client that they can’t afford to rank low in Google if their business has a website. This is the first step for them to decide to buy SEM services. Explain what the numbers really mean for their business.
Task 2. The two ways to rank high. Dear prospective client!Now you understand why it’s crucial to rank high. If you tell me that you want to get on the first page on Google, I’ll tell you “okay, but there’s a little problem.” The web is already crowded with good websites. Thousands of similar pages are competing for your clients' eyes, and it’s hard to get on the first page.
Luckily, there are two ways you can get higher on the Results Page. Try to decipher what they are.
Strategy 1           improve you can site your results higher so it in the ranks natural
                             (SEO = Search Engine Optimization)
Strategy 2           the first page you can paid be on ads through
                             (PPC = Pay-per-click ads)
Strategy 1+2      called together are basic these strategies two
                             “Search Engine Marketing” (SEM)
Task 3. Let’s imagine that I am a prospect. Explain to me in your own words what the basic idea of Pay-Per-Click Advertising. Pls don’t flood me with information, but try to summarize the whole thing in 2 minutes.

Task 4. Pay-Per-Click Advertising explained. Today we have time to deal with one of the two strategies that can get you to the top: Pay-Per-Click advertising. Insert the missing prepositions to get the whole text.

through 2X, on, for 3X, from, to, around, with  
Pay-Per-Click Advertising
Do a search (1).……………. Google or Yahoo!, and you’ll notice a different type of listings (2)……..……. the natural results. These "Sponsored links" are Google’s code name (3)………….. pay-per-click ads (PPC) that can be bought (4)………...… Google AdWords, Google’s advertising program. They appear only when people search using the same keywords you paid to be associated (5)……………….. You buy keywords for your ad you predict your target market will use when they are searching (6)………………... your product. You pay only when someone  clicks (7)……………… your ad. The cost per click typically varies (8)………………… 50 cents (9)………………. $15. PPC has some tremendous advantages (10)……………. online businesses.
How’s it different from your summary?
Task 5. Provocation
1.       Why is it called “paid search” if Google doesn’t pay searchers to do searches?
2.       Pay? For advertising on Google? Why would I do such a thing when people can just search for me and find me?
3.       How can these little text ads be successful? They look so boring compared to TV commercials and magazine ads.
4.       Don’t people just disregard them when they search?
5.       What happens if my competitor just keeps clicking my listing over and over?
Task 6. Conclusion. Why is Pay Per Click better than the good old banner ads? Insert the phrases.
1.       “interruption-based”
2.       at the precise moment that a prospect is looking for information
3.       but it’s limited
4.       going about your daily life
5.       perfectly matching the search topic
6.       preoccupied with other things
Pay Per Click reaches your target buyer at the perfect point in time.
Most advertising is ………………………………. – it inserts itself in front of you as you’re …………………………………., whether that’s watching a television program, driving in traffic or waiting on hold for customer support. It’s somewhat effective certainly, ………………………….., because the people who see these ads are ……………………………………. Pay Per Click advertisements, on the other hand, are delivered ……………………………………….., and ……………………………………… in question.


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Címkék: sem summary vocabulary class persuasion

2008.01.30. 13:07 kisdobos

CLASS 4.2: Vocabulary list - PPC 101

Pay-Per-Click Advertising
1.       Do a search on Google or Yahoo!,
2.       and you'll notice a different type of listings around the natural results.
3.       Google’s code name for pay-per-click ads
4.       that can be bought through Google AdWords
5.       You buy keywords for your ad that you predict your target market will use when they are searching for your product.
6.       click through your ad
7.       can be bought through Google AdWords
8.       The cost per click typically varies from 50 cents to $15.
9.       PPC has some tremendous advantages for online businesses.
10.    Pay Per Click reaches your target buyer at the perfect point in time.
11.    Most advertising is “interruption-based” –
12.     it inserts itself in front of you as you’re going about your daily life,
13.    whether that’s watching a television program or …
14.    It’s somewhat effective certainly, but it’s limited
15.    because the people who see these ads are preoccupied with other things.
16.    Pay Per Click advertisements, on the other hand, are delivered at the precise moment that a prospect is looking for information,
17.    and perfectly matching the search topic in question.
1.       the site is invisible to the major search engines
2.       you will hold a significant advantage over your competitors.
3.       the search engines will recognise it as important enough to display on the first three pages of search results.
4.       appear on the top and on the right hand side of the page
5.       "natural results" are listed down the main body of the page.
6.       displayed only when someone enters a search phrase that is the same as a keyword in your campaign.
7.       displayed only to people who express interest in what you sell,
8.       rather than a casual uninterested browser.
9.       types a keyword into the search engine matching any of the advertiser's keywords.
10.    Advertisers bid for keywords.
11.    Pay Per Click, however, is purchased on a cost per click basis
12.    It is up to you to decide how much you want to spend.
13.    we aim to turn every £1 you spend into £1+ in sales.
14.    We can see which keywords/phrases lead to clicks or sales
15.    a pre-determined amount will be withdrawn from your budget. 
16.    Get in touch.
17.    We can give you an estimate of how many people are searching

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Címkék: sem class vocabulary list

2008.01.30. 13:06 kisdobos

EXTRA 4.1: Prepositions

Task 1. Prepositions
To 2X, for 3X, past, in, on 3X, around, through 2X, from
1.       Do a search ……………. Google or Yahoo!,
2.       and you'll notice a different type of listings …………….. the natural results.
3.       can be bought …………………. Google AdWords
4.       click ………………/………………….. your ad
5.       Google’s code name ……. pay-per-click ads
6.       most users don’t click ………… the first three pages of search results
7.       not appearing …………. the top listings can be the difference between success or failure
8.       PPC has some tremendous advantages ………. online businesses.
9.       The cost per click varies …………… 50 cents …………. $50.
10.    when they are searching …………. your product.
11.    You can drive traffic …………… your site
12.    You choose your keywords based ………….. what you think your prospective customers will use

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Címkék: sem vocabulary extra

2008.01.30. 13:05 kisdobos



Task 1.
Introducing an FAQ section to our website was a truly great idea. We got all these questions from visitors waiting to be answered. Keep your answers short, use 3-4 sentences max. Pls avoid technical words. Put your replies in the Comments, indicating also what questions you are answering.
Taboo words:
algorithm, spiders, crawl your site, complex (complicated), index, relevant,
1.       What is Search Marketing? (Zita)
2.       Why do I need a Search Engine Marketing campaign? (Eszter)
3.       What is PPC? (GT)
4.       Is Pay-per-click the same as Search Engine Optimization? (Zita)
5.       What is the difference between “natural” results and “Sponsored links?” (Eszter)
6.       Why should I prefer search ads to flash banner ads? (GT)
7.       When do “search ads” appear? (Zita)
8.       Why can’t I always see Sponsored links next to my search results? (Eszter)
9.       How I can buy keywords in a Pay-per-click campaign? (GT)
10.   What’s good about buying ads on a Pay-per-click basis? (Judit)
11.   What is the minimum amount I have to spend on a PPC campaign? (Eszter)
12.   What results can I expect? (GT)
13.   This sounds good what’s the next step? (Judit)

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Címkék: sem faq summary extra persuasion

2008.01.30. 13:04 kisdobos

EXTRA 4.3: Learn from other SEOs

Next are answers to the previous questions given by other SEOs. Do not read them until you answered your questions in the PPC FAQ. Insert the phrases where they belong.
1.       a pre-determined amount will be withdrawn from your budget
2.       Advertisers bid for keywords
3.       are listed
4.       are shown your adverts
5.       based on which site they think is best
6.       don’t have any ads associated with them
7.       express interest in what you sell, rather than a casual uninterested browser
8.       for improving your visibility
9.       give you an estimate of
10.    hold a significant advantage over your competitors
11.    invisible to the major search engines
12.    is only charged when their ad is clicked on
13.    It is up to you to decide
14.    lead to clicks or sales
15.    matching any of the advertiser's keywords
16.    purchased on a cost per click basis
17.    recognise it as important enough
18.    the right hand side of the page
19.    the same as a keyword in your campaign
20.    to rank higher
1.          What is Search Marketing?
"Search Engine Marketing" (SEM) is …………………………………….. in search engine results, ideally getting you on the first three pages. The two options to get your site ………………………………..are 1) buying paid ads, also called Pay-per-click ads, and 2) improving your website so the search engines decide to rank it higher.
2.          Why do I need a Search Engine Marketing campaign?
After spending tens of thousands of dollars or more developing a website, businesses often discover that the site is ……………………………………….. Search Engine Marketing increases your website's visibility to the search engines. By ranking on the first three results pages you will ………………………………………………. Search engine users have chosen to use the Internet to research an issue, solve a problem, or locate a provider of a desired product or service. Search engine users are buyers. These users will buy from you only if they find your website. They will not buy from you if they find a competitor's website first.
3.          What is PPC?
PPC stands for “Pay-per-click,” and means advertising in search engines. The name refers to a key thing about this form of advertising, ie. you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. The adverts, called “Sponsored links,” appear on the search results pages of the search engines, but only when someone searches for one of the keywords of your campaign. This means that only people looking for your products and services ……………………………..
4.          Is Pay-per-click the same as Search Engine Optimisation?
No. The idea of Search Engine Optimisation is to make the search engines find your site and …………………………………. to display on the first three pages of search results. With PPC, on the other hand, you pay the search engines to display your site in the top results.
5.          What is the difference between “natural” results and “Sponsored links?”
On the search results pages in all of these search engines, there are two sets of links. The “Sponsored links” appear on the top and ………………………………………, and the "natural results" …………………………. down the main body of the page.
Sponsored links are ads displayed on the first page when users search for the keywords of your marketing campaign. Sponsored links are there because advertisers pay for them to be there. Natural results, on the other hand, are chosen and ordered by the search engines ……………………………………………………………., second best, third best on a topic.
6.          Why should I prefer search ads to traditional flash ads I see on Index?
A Sponsored Link is the ultimate Classified Ad since it is only displayed only when someone enters a search phrase that is ………………………………………….. This means it is displayed only to people who …………………………………………….… And you only pay when they choose to learn more.
7.          When do “search ads” appear?
Advertisers buy keywords they predict their target market will use as search terms when they are looking for a product or service. The advertiser's ad will be shown only when a user types a keyword into the search engine ………………………………………………..
8.          Why can’t I always see Sponsored links next to my search results?
That’s because ads only show up when you search for a keyword that somebody has paid to be associated with. A lot of terms ……………………………………………, so that explains why you won’t always see ads.
9.          How I can buy keywords in a Pay-per-click campaign?
Pay per click works like a word auction. …………..…………………………... For each keyword, you decide how much you are willing to spend. The higher you bid, the higher you will appear among the “Sponsored Links” ads.
10.       What’s good about buying ads on a Pay-per-click basis?
Most advertising we know is purchased on a cost per impression basis. This means that the advertiser pays whenever someone sees the advertisement. Pay Per Click, however, is ………………………………………….., meaning it is free of charge for the advertiser to display. The advertiser .......................................................... Paid search advertising is handled on a Pay Per Click basis.
11.       What is the minimum amount I have to spend on a PPC campaign?
There is no minimum amount that you have to spend. ……………………………………. how much you want to spend. You only pay what you budget for e.g. if you have a £10 a day budget and your average visitor price is 10p then you will get 100 visitors for your money. Every time a visitor clicks on your PPC ad ………………………………………………..
12.       What results can I expect?
We aim to turn every £1 you spend into £1+ in sales. We can see which keywords/phrases ………………………………… so we know which ones to bid for and how much it is worth bidding at.
13.       This sounds good what’s the next step?
Get in touch. We will research for you the keywords of your industry. We can ………………………………………. how many people are searching, how many visitors you can expect, and what your average cost per visitor will be.

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Címkék: sem faq summary vocabulary extra persuasion

2008.01.09. 09:15 kisdobos

CLASS 3.1: IM-ing in the workplace

Staying in touch. Always.

Hello. Can you decipher these acronyms?
WU?                        B4                        K
ASAP                      HAND  IMS  WFM
BEG                         PLS                  THX
ATM                       HT                     LOL

Here’s what
an American worker writes about keeping touch with friends:

"How was work?" asked my mom yesterday. "Well, it was nice to touch base with everyone," I said. "Oh, because you were emailing back and forth about work?" "We don't email, Mom, we IM each other, and mostly we're just talking about life." "Yeah, email is so slow," she commented.
Discuss with your partner:
Q1. How do you feel about IM?
Q2. Is it okay to use it in the workplace? If yes, what are the rules?

Task 1. Pre-reading: Think of three benefits of IM-ing in the workplace. 
Task 2.Reading: You’ll read about the various benefits that there are to IM. Put the labels below next to the benefit it matches in the text.
1.       can’t be ignored
2.       easier to open up
3.       establish better working relationships
4.       instant replies and availability
5.       it’s cheaper
6.       multitasking
7.       quicker because less formal
8.       the notion of ''presence'
9.       you can easily keep a conversation private when people are around

Instant Messaging Leaves School for Office
Instant messaging, long associated with teenagers staying up late to chat online with friends, is moving into the workplace with an impact that has started to rival e-mail and the cellphone.
Less intrusive than a phone call and more immediate than e-mail, instant messaging grew by more than 50 percent in the last year alone, so that nearly one-third of American adults are now IM-ing, as it is called, with their children, clients, colleagues and each other.
Unlike e-mail, which caught on widely only after corporations began training employees to use it, instant messaging is infiltrating the workplace from the bottom up, by way of employees themselves.
The BENEFITS of im
1. ……………………………………………..  Many IM users rave about the ability to do different things at their desks while also engaging in a continuing electronic conversation. You can chat with several people at once, you can browse the Internet, and do other work on your computer at the same time.
BeLynda Lee-Jensen, a product marketing coordinator at Sharp Microelectronics, said instant-messaging software helped her negotiate sales, because she can be using IM with a colleague while on a conference call with a distributor, and discuss strategy on IM, e.g. A: ''I don't believe Intel is at that cost,” B: “Yeah, they're not telling the truth about this,''
2. …………………………………………….. A major thing is the ability to be in constant peripheral contact with the characters that defines one's life. That’s what makes IM such a powerful and appreciated form of communication.  
3. …………………………………………….. ''You say things through IM that you wouldn't dare say in face-to-face contact or even on the telephone where you can hear each other's voice,'' Ms. Keomurjian said. ''Between colleagues I think it's great because it helps you establish a relationship where you might be too shy in person.''
4. …………………………………………….. Timothy Lim, an associate at J. P. Morgan Chase, also said instant messaging helped him establish better working relationships with colleagues in London. Previously, he would wait until a regularly scheduled conference call to ask questions. Now, he said, ''we IM all the time.''
5. …………………………………………….. Deborah Woodall said she had been using instant messaging to communicate with her husband, who has been in Japan for three weeks, rather than talk on the phone because it is cheaper.
6. …………………………………………….. Deborah Woodall, an administrative assistant in Sharp's Camas, Wash., office, said she liked IM's because they're harder to ignore. '' 'Oh, I didn't get that e-mail,' How many times have you heard that?'' Ms. Woodall said. ''There's no excuse with this.''
7. …………………………………………….. Clients, Mr. Beckman said, appreciate receiving an instant reply to a question, and he likes being able to see which of his partners and employees are available at any given time.
8. …………………………………………….. And the etiquette of instant messaging does not require the compulsory niceties that eat up time on the phone: ''One thing about the telephone is the first thing you're supposed to say is ''how's the wife and kids?'' Mr. Beckman said.  ''With instant messaging you can just say, 'I want this.' ''
9. …………………………………………….. And in the crowded workplaces so common at Wall Street investment banks ''where you sit on top of each other so you can't have an audible conversation about something you're not supposed to, it's pretty useful,'' said one banker.
As people who already have IM software urge other friends and colleagues to get it so that they can add them to their list of contacts, its growth has spread like a virus.
David Beckman, a lawyer at Beckman & Hirsch, a firm in Burlington, Iowa, said he installed instant messaging with some trepidation (=anxiety) when he needed to stay in contact with an employee who was working from a different location. ''I came at instant messaging like this was going to be horrible. But honestly, it's the most productive thing I've ever seen'' Mr. Beckman said.

Task 3. Vocabulary: Spread of IM-ing
The expressions below were taken out from the article. They all refer to the spread of IM-ing. Put them in groups according to meaning:
1.       by way of employees
2.       caught on widely
3.       from the bottom up
4.       I came at instant messaging like (go on to describe your initial reaction)
5.       Infiltrate the workplace
6.       it has spread like a virus
7.       rave about
8.       started to rival e-mail
9.       urge friends to
Spreading                                                             People’s actions and reactions      

Speaking: How do you remember the early days of IM-ing in Hungary, and your first encounter with it?
Task 4. Vocabulary: Communicating. Put together the parts.
1.       IM-ing                                                  in a continuing electronic conversation
2.       receive                                                to-face contact
3.       reply                                                    an instant reply
4.       discuss things                                  through IM
5.       have an                                               base with everyone
6.       engaging                                            each other
7.       in face-                                                to a question
8.       be on a                                                conference call with
9.       stay                                                      a situation which)
10.    be available at                                   audible conversation
11.    where (in                                            in contact with
12.    working                                               and forth
13.    establish                                            any given time
14.    touch                                                   better relationships with
15.    emailing back                                    relationship

Speaking: Say something about your IM use with each keyword. If you don’t use IM, talk about emailing.
·          IM-ing
·          be available
·          (in) face-to-face communication
·          discuss  *  through IM
·          touch base with

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Címkék: reading vocabulary class instant messaging

2008.01.09. 09:06 kisdobos

CLASS 3.2: Think it over, boss!

Task 1.
Not all employers are equally fond of IM. Let’s have this scenario now: your boss is against you using IM during your work. You want to to defend your position.

We need a group of co-workers and a group of managers. 
Prepare your arguments in advance so you can be more persuasive. To have maximum impact you should also anticipate the other side's arguments.
1. My arguments                                                                     
2. Other side's likely arguments
If you can’t persuade each other, you should be ready to find a compromise solution.  


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Címkék: class role play instant messaging persuasion

2008.01.09. 09:05 kisdobos

CLASS 3.3: Vocabulary list - IM-ing


1.       Can you decipher these acronyms? LOL, WU? ASAP
2.       Instant messaging, long associated with teenagers staying up late to chat online with friends, is moving into the workplace,
3.       with an impact that has started to rival e-mail and the cellphone.
4.       Less intrusive than a phone call
5.       more immediate than e-mail
6.       nearly one-third of American adults are now IM-ing
7.       emailing back and forth during work
8.       nice to touch base with everyone
9.       Unlike e-mail, which caught on widely only after corporations began training employees to use it,
10.    instant messaging is infiltrating the workplace from the bottom up,
11.    by way of employees themselves.
12.    Users rave about the ability to do multiple things at the same time (=multitasking)
13.    she can be using IM with a colleague while on a conference call with a distributor
14.    engaging in a continuing electronic conversation.
15.    You say things through IM that you wouldn't dare say in face-to-face contact
16.    it's great because it helps you establish a relationship where you might be too shy in person.
17.    instant messaging helped him establish better working relationships with colleagues in London
18.    Emails are easier to ignore.  ''There's no excuse with IM.''
19.    Clients appreciate receiving an instant reply to a question
20.    He likes being able to see which of his partners are available at any given time
21.    The etiquette of instant messaging does not require the compulsory niceties that eat up time on the phone
22.    With instant messaging you can just say, 'I want this.'
23.    When you can't have an audible conversation about something you're not supposed to, it's pretty useful,'
24.    he needed to stay in contact with an employee who was working from a different location
25.    I came at instant messaging like this was going to be horrible. But honestly, it's the most productive thing I've ever seen'' Mr. Beckman said.
26.    IM users urge other friends and colleagues to get it
27.    its growth has spread like a virus.

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Címkék: class instant messaging vocabulary list

2008.01.09. 09:04 kisdobos

EXTRA 3.1: Revise


We’ve finished the first cycle, which was about social networking. Your main homework is to revise for next class. The entire lesson is gonna be devoted to revising the words. We’re also gonna have a TEST.

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Címkék: extra

2008.01.09. 08:51 kisdobos

CLASS 2.1: Employers snooping on workers


Have you ever done any of the following? Compare your answers with your partner.

1.     Leave comments on an online discussion board
2.       Post personal photos online, and tag them with your real name and friends’ names
3.       Write an online diary under a pseudo name

Task 1. Vocabulary:
Below you’ll find a story about employers collecting information about their workers online. Let’s understand some of the words from the article first. Put the words below into one of the two groups. 

1.    disclose personal details (noun form: personal disclosure)
2.       she was denied her teaching credential
3.       many express themselves in an uninhibited way on the web
4.       she filed a lawsuit
5.       she was dismissed from the university
6.       posted a photo online
7.       the school staff came across her photograph
8.       the photos went up
9.       tight privacy settings
10.    the nude photos found their way to the internet, somehow

These words talk about sharing online:                  These about results of sharing online:




Task 2. Reading: Guess the content. The article features a true story about a female student who was kicked out of university because administrators found something on the internet. Guess what happened. Run quickly through the article and find the answer.

        1.       She posted a negative remark about a professor on an online discussion board
        2.        A nude photo of her was uploaded by her girlfriend
        3.       She posted a photo to her Myspace profile showing her drinking beer at a
                costume party

Task 3. Reading: Topic headings.
 Let’s understand better what each paragraph talks about. Read the story, and match the topic headings with the paragraphs.

        1.       The norms may change, but be careful until then
2.       Off hours should not concern the company
3.       Companies are spying on employees online
4.       It’s easy to make mistakes: a true story
5.       No legal security for workers
6.       Users are not worried when sharing online
7.       Companies used to spy on employees offline 


By Randall Stross

December 30, 2007

WERE Henry Ford brought back to life today, he would most likely be delighted by the Internet: the uninhibited way many people express themselves on the Web makes it easy to supervise the private lives of employees.

In his day, the Ford Motor Company maintained a “Sociological Department” staffed with investigators who visited the homes of all but the highest-level managers. Their job was to dig for information about the employee’s religion, spending and savings, drinking habits and how the worker “amused himself.”

2. ……………………………………………………………….
Home inspections are no longer needed; many companies are using the Internet to snoop on their employees. If you fail to maintain “professional” standards of conduct (=behavior) in your free time, you could lose your job.

3. …………………………………………..
Employment law in most states provides little protection to workers who are punished for their online postings, said George Lenard, an employment lawyer at Harris Dowell Fisher & Harris in St. Louis. Most of us are holding on to our jobs only at the whim of our employers, and thus vulnerable.

4. …………………………………………….
A line needs to be drawn that marks the boundary between work and private life. When a worker is on the job, companies have every right to supervise activities closely. But what an employee does after hours, as long as no laws are broken, is none of the company’s business.

Of course, what we used to call “off hours” are fewer now, and employees may connect to the office nightly from home. But when they do go home, how they spend their private time should be of no concern to their employer, even if the Internet, by its nature, makes some off-the-job activities more visible to more people than was previously possible.

5. ………………………………………………….
In the absence of strong protections for employees, poorly chosen words or even a single photograph posted online in one’s off-hours can have career-altering (=changing) consequences. Stacy Snyder, 25, who was a senior (=last year student) at Millersville University in Millersville, Pa., offers an example. Last year, she was dismissed from the student teaching program at a nearby high school and denied her teaching credential after the school staff came across her photograph on her MySpace profile.

Yet her photo seems to be surprisingly harmless. The photo, snapped (=taken) at a costume party, shows Ms. Snyder with a pirate’s hat on her head, drinking from a large plastic cup whose contents cannot be seen. When posting the photo, she unfortunately captioned her self-portrait “drunken pirate,” though whether she was serious can’t be decided by looking at the photo. She filed a lawsuit in April this year in federal court in Philadelphia claiming that her rights to free expression under the First Amendment had been violated. No trial date has been set.

6. ……………………………………………………
Although personal disclosure is the norm on social networking sites, The Pew Internet and American Life Project released the results of a study, “Digital Fingerprints,” showing that 60 percent of Internet users surveyed are not worried about how much information is available about them online. Accordingly, a lot of users won’t care to set tight privacy settings on these sites.

Ms. Snyder had also not set her MySpace privacy settings to restrict public access, but why should she have done so? She anticipated (=she saw it coming) that her profile page would be seen by school authorities. On it she said that as an adult, over the age of 21, she believed that “I have nothing to hide.”

7. …………………………………………………………..
The day may come when nothing that is said online will be treated as embarrassing because we will have become accustomed to everyone disclosing everything. In the meanwhile, some people will be more cautious than Ms. Snyder. Ms. Fox of the Pew project recently paid a visit to New Orleans for a bachelorette party (=females only party) with female friends — husbands not included. She wanted to make sure that details of the festivities did not find their way to the Internet.

She instructed her friends: “If you’re going to upload the pictures, don’t tag with real names.” The photos went up, without traceable digital fingerprints.

Randall Stross is an author based in Silicon Valley and a professor of business at San Jose State University. E-mail:

Task 4. Reading:
Find some information. Complete the statements with information from the article

1. If you want to leave no traceable digital fingerprints behind, then

2. 60 percent of people in a recent survey


3. Privacy settings for Ms Snyder were


4. Ms Snyder defended herself saying

5. One way of sharing photos safely could be to

Task 5. Vocabulary:
Fill in the gaps with vocabulary from the text.

1.       Find what MsSnyder did with her self-portrait: ……………………………………….
2.       What needs to be drawn if you want clear rules, clear boundaries:
3.       If you supervise activities in a strict way, you supervise it ………………………..
4.       Ms Snyder was denied what: …………………………………………..
5.       Strict privacy settings are like small pants: …………………………………………..

Task 6. Vocabulary:
Insert the missing prepositions.
in, for, on, on, from, with, of, at, after, to
1.       dig ……………….. information
2.       snoop ………….. their employees
3.       holding …………. to our jobs
4.       ………. the absence of
5.       ………..  the whim of our employers
6.       go home ……….. hours
7.       her rights ………….. free expression
8.       should be …….. no concern to their employer
9.       was dismissed ……….. the student teaching program
10.    don’t tag ………… real names

Finally, match the phrases with their meanings.
a.       freedom to talk
b.       it is none of the company’s business
c.        leave after work
d.       Look for
e.       Not let it go
f.         put captions under photos
g.       Spy on
h.       subject to their sudden ideas
i.         they kicked her out
j.         without

----Activities created by Kisdobos. Original article from:


1 komment

Címkék: privacy reading vocabulary class

2008.01.09. 08:50 kisdobos

CLASS 2.2: Put yourself in their shoes

Task 1. Speaking:
 Split up into groups. One group represents Millersville University, another group is MsSnyder and her lawyer.

You meet in a reconciliatory meeting to try to come to an agreement. Before the meeting prepare with 1) how you would defend yourself, and 2) what you anticipate the other party will say. You should be ready to soften your original opinion and try to reach a solution in the end that’s acceptable to both of you.

Here’s a little more background to the story:

Ms Snyder have filed a lawsuit. Millersville University, in a motion asking the court to dismiss the case, claims that Ms. Snyder’s student teaching had been unsatisfactory for many reasons. But it affirms that she was dismissed and barred from re-entering the school shortly after the high school staff discovered her MySpace photograph. The university backed its initial claim that her posting was “unprofessional” and might “promote under-age drinking.” It also cited a passage in the teacher’s handbook that said staff members are “to be well-groomed and appropriately dressed.”

Get some readers’ opinions @ See users’ comments below the blog post.

----Activity created by Kisdobos. Original article:


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Címkék: privacy class role play persuasion

2008.01.09. 08:49 kisdobos

CLASS 2.3: Vocabulary list


1.       many people express themselves in an uninhibited way on the Web

2.       Their job was to dig for information about the employee’s religion, spending and savings,

3.       drinking habits, etc.

4.       Many companies are using the Internet to snoop on their employees

5.       Most of us are holding on to our jobs only at the whim of our employers, and thus vulnerable.

6.       A line needs to be drawn that marks the boundary between work and private life

7.       When a worker is on the job, companies have every right to supervise activities closely.

8.       How they spend their private time should be of no concern to their employer

9.       In the absence of strong protections for employees,

10.    even a single photograph posted online can have career-altering consequences

11.    . Stacy Snyder, 25, who was a senior (=last year student) at Millersville University in Millersville, Pa., offers an example. Last year, she was dismissed from the student teaching program at a nearby high school and denied her teaching credential after the school staff came across her photograph on her MySpace profile.

12.    She captioned her self-portrait “drunken pirate”

13.    She filed a lawsuit in April this year in federal court

14.    her rights to free expression under the First Amendment had been violated personal disclosure is the norm on social networking sites

15.    A lot of users won’t care to set tight privacy settings

16.    we might become accustomed to everyone disclosing everything

17.    If you’re going to upload the pictures, don’t tag with real names.

18.    The photos went up, without traceable digital fingerprints

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Címkék: class vocabulary list

2008.01.09. 08:40 kisdobos

EXTRA 2.2: Vocab practice

Task 1. 
Fill in the gaps with the words below.
deny, privacy settings, hold, absence, whim, post, come across, no concern, hours, right, disclose, boundary, inhibited, dig, snoop, find its way to, dismiss, tag, go up, traceable, lawsuit
1.       As a new recruit, it was an experience not only in getting along with some highly creative people, but also how to research and ………………..………………... information.
2.       On what grounds can an employer ………………..………………... an employee?
3.       In Flickr you can ………………..………………... your photos, which is adding a keyword to it. Tags help you find photos which have something in common.
4.       Would you welcome the opportunity to ………………..………………... your children online? Do you need help to deal with truancy and misbehaviour?
5.       "We're ………………..………………... hope," she said. "That's all we've got left."
6.       ………………..………………... (= because there were not) more suitable candidates, we decided to offer the job to Mr Conway.
7.       Every day you’re ………………..……………….. weather conditions if you’re a fisherman.
8.       I often do some of my own work ………………..………………....
9.       Citizens have a ………………..………………... privacy.
10.    Personal drug use is a victimless crime and ………………..………………... the state unless the user affects public safety.
11.    The police have ………………..………………... that two officers are under internal investigation.
12.    The prisoner was detained at a facility in San Pedro, California, and she ………………..………………... her medication.
13.    The presence of strangers made her feel ………………..………………....
14.    A paparazzo has ………………..………………... against The Matrix star Keanu Reeves on the ground of negligence after Reeves knocked the man down as he drove away.
15.    You can ………………..………………... a photo to your blog directly from the Picasa software.
16.    He ………………..………………... some of his old love letters in his wife's drawer.
17.    I was having trouble getting photos up on Blogger, but finally the photos ………………..………………....
18.    Some of the users have such ………………..………………..., not only can I not friend request you, I am not even allowed to send them a message!
19.    Austrian rifles supplied to Iran have ………………..………………... Iraqi rebels.
20.    In theory, most telephone calls should be ………………..………………....
21.    The Ural mountains ………………..………………... between Europe and Asia.

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2008.01.09. 08:40 kisdobos

EXTRA 2.1: Write an email to the university

For homework write an email to the university administration (and send it to me, I'll be the administration).

1. Defend your case in about a 100 words. 
2. Suggest a reconciliatory meeting within two weeks or otherwise you'll have to file a lawsuit against them

Pick 10 expressions from the NYTimes story to use in your email. Pls underline the expressions in your email.

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Címkék: privacy email extra persuasion

2008.01.09. 08:39 kisdobos

EXTRA 2.3: Word puzzle

Play a word puzzle here

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Címkék: privacy vocab puzzle

2008.01.02. 09:14 kisdobos

CLASS 1.1: Facebook weds marketing

Goal 1. Check out Kisdobos’s Facebook profile at, and find as many different aspects as you can about what type of personal details a profile may feature.

Goal 2. Read the article below and share your thoughts with your fellow marketer by your side about the questions below.

November 8, 2007

Facebook to allow corporations to advertise via users’ referrals

Jonathan Richards


Facebook plans to allow users to advertise products on behalf of companies in a move that will increase significantly the number of corporate messages on the site.

Users of the social networking site will be given the opportunity to alert people they know when, for instance, they buy a product from another website, in which case their friends will receive a message with an advertisement attached.

Facebook users will not be paid for their role as “brand ambassadors” but the adverts will tie into one of the site’s main features – a stream of messages known as a “newsfeed” that constantly updates friends about one another’s activities.  

Q1: Can you describe the new business model of Facebook in only one sentence? 
                Q2: Will advertizers pay to users for advertising brands?
               Q3: What’s a newsfeed? How does the ad tie into it?

Advertisers will pay for the privilege of having their product referred by one user to another, which will be akin to word-of-mouth marketing. If Facebook users download a film from Sony’s website, they will be given the option of letting their friends know in their messages, which will include a Sony advert.

More than 60 companies, including Coca-Cola, Blockbuster, Microsoft, Sony, Verizon and The New York Times, have signed up to take part in the new advertising platform, which is scheduled to start this week.

Mark Zuckerberg, 23, the chief executive of Facebook, said: “Nothing influences a person more than a recommendation from a trusted friend.” He noted that the traditional model of advertising, using media such as newspapers and television, was changing. Increasingly, he suggested, marketers would be able to relate more directly to consumers via social networks.

Q4: What is word-of-mouth marketing, and how is it similar to Facebook marketing?
Q5: Is it gonna be a big hit with advertizers?
Q6: Why does Zuckerberg think these personal brand referrals are gonna work?

Advertisers will be able to set up profiles on Facebook that will enable customers to interact with them, Mr Zuckerberg said. They will also be able to take advantage of the rich trove of personal information that Facebook has gathered about its users, who number more than 50 million, to pinpoint their commercial messages.

Like MySpace, which announced this week that companies would be able to serve “hypertargeted” adverts based on information in a user’s profile, Facebook offers great promise for advertisers. However, privacy advocates have expressed concern, saying that advertisers may gain access to too much information about users’ online behaviour. Facebook has said it will share only information that users choose to make public, and that it will not pass on details that identify individuals.

Q7: Who is worried about Facebook marketing, and why?
Q8: How could users be hurt by advertisers finding out too much about them?
Q9: How does Facebook answer the privacy concerns?

Analysts predicted that brand activity would increase on Facebook as marketers jostled to get users to sign up to discussion boards and other services. Forrester said in a note: “Expect a lot of noise to be generated. Brands will be working to earn and buy fans to accept them as members.”

Chris Winfield, the president of 10e20, a social media marketing company, said that advertisers would welcome the platform, but that Facebook risked alienating users if their profiles became too cluttered with marketing.

“Part of the reason Facebook has been so popular is because it’s been antiadvertising, anticlutter,” he said. “This risks friends falling out (=quarreling). If someone is constantly telling me how great Coke is and I’m a Pepsi fan, I’m going to lose that connection.”

Some users say that Facebook is right to help companies to serve more relevant adverts but others believe that the site’s reputation as a commercial-free zone is under threat. 

Q10: What risk or risks might Facebook be facing now?
Q11: Who really benefits if Facebook serves more relevant ads, users or advertisers?
Q12: Is Facebook marketing gonna succeed?





Zuckerberg announcement:
Social networks drive more traffic to retailers: 


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Címkék: facebook reading speaking class social media marketing

2008.01.02. 09:13 kisdobos

CLASS 1.2: Vocabulary list - Facebook marketing

1.       Facebook plans to allow users to advertise products on behalf of companies
2.       Users of the social networking site can alert people when they buy a product
3.       the adverts will tie into the “newsfeed” section
4.       this scheme is akin to word-of-mouth marketing
5.       the new advertising platform is scheduled to start this week.
6.       marketers would be able to relate more directly to consumers via social networks
7.       Facebook’susers number more than 50 million, to pinpoint their commercial messages.
8.       companies would be able to serve “hypertargeted” adverts
9.       Facebook promises that it will not pass on details that identify individuals.
10.    Facebook risked alienating users if their profiles became too cluttered with marketing

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Címkék: facebook class social media marketing vocabulary list

2008.01.02. 08:26 kisdobos

EXTRA 1.1: Wordsearch

Task 1.       Find the words. 

1.       word-of-mouth
2.       newsfeed
3.       tie_into
4.       social_networking
5.       on_behalf_of
6.       akin_to
7.       scheduled_to_start
8.       relate_to_customers
9.       number_a_million
10.    serve_ads
11.    hypertargeted
12.    pass_on_details
13.    cluttered_with
14.    alienate_users













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2008.01.02. 08:20 kisdobos

EXTRA 1.2: Facebook weds marketing




Task 1. Vocabulary: Improve the newsflash below with the original expressions from the article you read. (See solutions in Comments)

Task 2. Writing: Google what happened to the Facebook advertising model. You can use this triplet: Facebook, marketing, uproar. If Googling doesn't get you quick results, it might make sense to go to The New York Times online, and make a search there. Then write an email to me of 50 words (ridiculously short, isn't it? ;) summarizing what you found out. I'm gonna send it back corrected. 

Facebook news

Facebook wants every member to endorse products 1. for its advertisers. Mark Zuckerberg, the founder and chief executive of the superhot social network, today announced what the company calls “social ads.” 

Facebook, the second most popular 4. friend gathering site, now will give advertisers the ability to create their own profile pages on its system that will let users identify themselves as fans of a product. Facebook’s model of promotion, 5. similar to news spreading through friends telling each other, will allow each user’s news feed to contain items like “Bobby Smith is now a fan of Toyota Prius.”

The ads 2. are together with what has been one of the most powerful features of Facebook, 3. the  stream of messages on the front page, where members see a list of what their friends are doing — photos from their parties, new friends, favorite bands and so on. 

News feeds can be linked to outside Web sites as well, so users can tell friends about what they rented at Blockbuster or are auctioning on eBay. 

Facebook will offer all of those features to advertisers free. What it will charge for, however, is appending an advertisement to these news items. Toyota could buy the right to put a photo and a short message under every news-feed post that links to the Prius.

6. According to the plans the new advertising platform will start this week, and 7. the number of the companies that are participating is more than 60, including Coca-Cola, Blockbuster, Microsoft, Sony, Verizon and The New York Times. 

The innovative feature of Facebook’s new advertising model is that it will enable advertisers to tap into the vast stores of data that its users provide, allowing them 8. to establish more direct relationships with consumers. They can display ads limited to people with certain interests, location, political views, favorite media, education and relationship status, which means they will 9. offer adverts that fit the users’ profile better than traditional ads.

Some, however, are not so enthusiastic about social network marketing. First, Facebook's move could cause the networking site to 10. be full of commercial messages, which may easily change the tone of the site. Although the friend can control what is shared, the user will have fewer choices over whether to receive ads, which would be marked "sponsored."  

Many Facebook members may be reluctant to endorse an advertiser for fear of 11. losing the friendship of friends who had bad experiences with the same company, said Chris Winfield, who runs 10e20, an online marketing specialist.

"They are relying a lot on their users to make this happen, and that's going to be tricky," Winfield said. 

Another problem Facebook might have to face is the revival of privacy complaints it faced last year. Although Facebook promises no information that could identify an individual will be 12. given to advertisers, some people may still find it creepy.

"Facebook is everyone's darling today. But if there is a perceptual problem as a safe place for communications, then will it be 2009's darling?" asks David Hallerman, a senior analyst at the research group eMarketer. 

----Text compiled by Kisdobos using and

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